To date, there has been no death linked to coronavirus vaccination, the Federal Agency for Safety in Health Care (BASG) reports in its weekly report. To date, 48 deaths in temporal proximity to a Covid 19 vaccination have been reported to the agency – 46 at BioNTech/Pfizer, one at Moderna and one at AstraZeneca. Eight cases – six at BioNTech/Pfizer, one at Moderna and one at AstraZeneca – are under investigation.
In three patients, a link to vaccination could be ruled out based on the autopsy report. In 16 individuals, the vaccination coincided with the incubation period of a Covid 19 disease, during which the affected individuals subsequently died. In 21 others, there were serious previous illnesses that were presumably the cause of death.
Currently no evidence of connection to Corona vaccination in Lower Austrian woman
In the case of death in temporal proximity to a vaccination with the vaccine of AstraZeneca – it concerns the 49-year-old patient who died in Lower Austria as a result of severe coagulation disorders – there is currently no indication of a causal relationship with the vaccination, reported the BASG. The autopsy at Vienna General Hospital is still open, the hospital said Tuesday in response to an APA query. “Based on the known clinical data, this cannot be established, as thrombotic events in particular are not among the known or typical side effects of the vaccine in question,” BASG said in its report, which includes information from Dec. 27, 2020, to March 12, 2021, inclusive. Clinical data also show “no data or signals of concern to that effect” compared with placebo, according to current knowledge. An international analysis of adverse event reports is underway, it said.
Currently, according to the agency, “all necessary investigations involving the respective experts are running at full speed in order to be able to completely exclude a possible connection,” the BASG reported. As a precaution, the remaining stocks of the affected vaccine batch were no longer issued or vaccinated. “As mainly very elderly persons are vaccinated especially at the beginning of the vaccination campaign, it is to be expected that naturally caused, i.e., non-vaccine-related health events also occur as expected in a temporal relationship with the vaccination,” the BASG said. Accordingly, the expected value of the number of deaths one week after vaccination was 3.5 per 1,000 in at-risk persons aged 80 years and older. “Based on this so-called background incidence, one death per 290 persons in this age group can be expected within one week, regardless of vaccination,” the BASG indicated.
Adverse events were reported as life-threatening in 31 patients – 19 at BioNTech/Pfizer and 12 at AstraZeneca. Health was restored in a total of 18 people, and 13 others are still under investigation. Hospitalization was required or prolonged in 112 vaccinated individuals following Covid 19 vaccination. This affected 66 patients vaccinated with BioNtech/Pfizer, five with Moderna and 41 with AstraZeneca. All have recovered, while 46 are still being evaluated.
Common side effects with Covid 19 vaccination.
At the time the report was written, 981,074 vaccinations had been entered electronically. Most complained of fever, headache, pain at the vaccination site, fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, nausea, chills, vomiting or diarrhea after vaccination.
- sources: and APA/picture:
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